Fever Dream
The mobile museum game

Armed with nothing but their smartphones, players do battle with massive chickens, head lice and other nasty apparitions to free Vivienne von Wattenwyl from her feverish hallucinations. What is real and what is simply a delusion? The only thing museum visitors can be sure of is that they have never experienced anything like this before. The mobile game is exclusive to our museum and was developed by machina eX, a game theatre group based in Berlin.

New game, new perspective:
This game format lets visitors experience the museum like never before. Part computer game, part audio book and part scavenger hunt, it opens up a parallel world in which things are no longer what they appear. A second layer of meaning is laid over existing exhibitions and objects, and players become savvy characters in a game world that only they can access – if you don’t play, you will only be vaguely aware of the mysterious expedition currently under way. Players solve puzzles and follow clues, while their actions influence the progression of the story. 

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